Our Products
Folic Acid 5Mg BP Tablets *1000
This drug is indicated for the following cases such as:
involved in the formation of new cells
involved in the metabolism of ribonucleic acids (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA),
essential for protein synthesis, essential during pregnancy to reduce the risk of neural tube defects
essential for the normal growth and the development of the foetus
involved in some functions associated with Vitamin B12
necessary for building resistance to diseases in the thymus gland of new born babies and infants may reduce the risk of cervical dysplasia
necessary for red blood cell production
It should be noted that the administration of Folic acid alone is an improper therapy for pernicious anaemia and other megaloblastic anaemias in which vitamin B12 is deficient.
A potential danger exist in administering Folic acid to patients with undiagnosed anemia, since Folic Acid may obscure the diagnosis of pernicious anemia by alleviating the hematologic manifestations of the disease while allowing the neurologic complications to progress.