Product Category: <span>Haematinics(Blood Tonics)</span>

Emzoron Capsules *250 

Emzoron Capsules *250 

Emzoron is indicated for the treatment of:​ Iron deficiency anaemia​ Megaloblastic anaemia​ Anaemia due to pregnancy​ Anaemia associated with infections and repeated hemorrhage​ B-complex vitamins deficiency​ Emzoron should be taken on the prescription of a prescriber.​ Do not administer more than prescribed.​

Emzoron Tonic 200ml 

Emzoron Tonic 200ml 

Emzoron is indicated for the treatment of:​ Iron deficiency anaemia​ Megaloblastic anaemia​ Anaemia due to pregnancy​ Anaemia associated with infections and repeated hemorrhage​ B-complex vitamins deficiency​ Emzoron should be taken on the prescription of a prescriber.​ Do not administer more than prescribed.​

Emzoron Capsules *120 

Emzoron Capsules *120 

Emzoron is indicated for the treatment of:​ Iron deficiency anaemia​ Megaloblastic anaemia​ Anaemia due to pregnancy​ Anaemia associated with infections and repeated hemorrhage​ B-complex vitamins deficiency​ Emzoron should be taken on the prescription of a prescriber.​ Do not administer more than prescribed.​

Emzoron Capsules *30 

Emzoron Capsules *30 

Emzoron is indicated for the treatment of:​ Iron deficiency anaemia​ Megaloblastic anaemia​ Anaemia due to pregnancy​ Anaemia associated with infections and repeated hemorrhage​ B-complex vitamins deficiency​ Emzoron should be taken on the prescription of a prescriber.​ Do not administer more than prescribed.​