The programme started at 12 noon but registration kicked off at 11am with participants receiving health talks on various health related topics, such as malaria prevention, blood pressure maintenance e.t.c.
The actual event kicked off at 12noon with participants taking turns to discuss and consult with medical practioners on their health concerns. Prescriptions were made and drugs were dispensed accordingly using drugs provided by the company such as Emzolyn cough syrup (child and adult) , Lokmal combi, Emzoron tonic Para 96 tabs, e.t.c. A mass deworming exercise for both children and adults was carried out simultaneously, using the Zolat X1000 jar.
Emzor roll-up banners for Lokmal combi, Lokmal QS, Zemeth, ORS and Para96 were all conspicuously displayed at strategic points within the venue. At the end of the day, over 200 children and adults present were dewormed while caplets were dispensed in envelops for persons and children who could not make it to the event with instructions on how it should be administered.
We rounded off the exercise at exactly 3:30pm after a successful outing.
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